Habitats for animals that nest on buildings and how to promote bats
For centuries, birds and bats have been living close to or even under same roof with us. We enjoy their chirps and twitters and admire their daring flight manoeuvres through the urban canyons. This is urban nature at our fingertips. Together, we can make sure it stays this way.
The following collection of Internet links was selected as an example and does not claim to be complete.
Overview and tips:
- Overview and further information on wildlife-friendly construction, presentation of relevant species, contact details of experts on the support of wildlife during building refurbishments:
Die Umweltberatung: Wildtierfreundliches Bauen (umweltberatung.at) - Info collection on natural nesting places and nesting boxes on buildings for birds and bats:
Regine Tantau: Die Not der Gebäudebrüter (mauerseglerschutz.wordpress.com)
Expert information materials:
- Profound all-round information regarding species conservation on buildings, expert information materials for developers, architects, craftsmen, and building owners:
Landratsamt Tübingen: Artenschutz am Haus (artenschutz-am-haus.de)
- Video on the construction of a simple wooden bat roost for buildings, plus tips on how to mount it:
NABU: So baust du ein Fledermausquartier (nabu.de)
House Martin special:
- Overview of the way of life and promotion of the house martin by advocating tolerance, providing nesting material, and use of artificial nests:
Schweizerische Vogelwarte: Hilfe für die Mehlschwalbe (PDF)
Where can I spot animals that nest on buildings?
- Take a look at the city map: The breeding places and nesting aids for animals that nest on buildings can be found here:
Stadt Wien: Umweltgut Stadtplan (wien.gv.at)