Wild and overgrown corner/margin as habitations
In earlier times, allowing overgrowth was considered neglectful, but today, we know about the significance of it as a habitat for insects and other animals. You can let one corner of your garden turn adrift or create a margin for wildlife. It can run along a building, a fence or under a hedge, or even a long a path or driveway. Get over yourself, and let the wild plants grow! You will get to know a whole new and exciting side of your garden.
The following collection of Internet links was selected as an example and does not claim to be complete.
Set-up of a wild and overgrown corner:
- A “wild corner” for snail hunters: Board and lodging for many animals and plants; elements of the wild and overgrown corner:
Natur im Garten: Das wilde Eck für Schneckenjäger (PDF)
Set-up wild margin:
- Information on how to set up a wild margin; soil preparation, planting and sowing, care, list of varieties:
Rewisa Netzwerk: Merkblatt Bunter Saum (PDF) - Suitability and location requirements for wildflower margins to harness biodiversity; short set-up instruction and advice on construction and plant material as well as on seeds and care:
Naturgarten: Wildblumensäume (naturgarten.org)